for everyone wondering if this has anything to do with the writer's strike - the simple answer is: no. a company of this stature should be able to weather a strike like this. there are other evils at play for a company to collapse this abruptly.
the BS version of the story found here. this article reeks of lies - at least from my seat here in Vancouver. first of all, the article failed to notice that there was a Vancouver office at all! secondly, we were NEVER told we were going out of business. lastly, the transition was NOT seamless. they provided no means for a "seamless transition" to anyone involved.
interestingly enough, comments on a Defamer article led me to a list of Republican campaign contributions affiliated with the company. i am so truly sick to my stomach!
other fair assessments include the the Hollywood Reporter and Variety (except that the Vancouver office was never instructed to tell our clients anything, we did this of our own accord)
to my friends in the entertainment industry that are holding Axium cheques, a heartfelt apology. there were no warning signs from the powers that be. all i can say is - i feel ya and we could get together for a stiff drink but beyond that there is not much i can do for you.
to my friends at Axium - it's been a pleasure working with you. best of luck to you in all of your endeavors.
1 comment:
i feel so sad for u guys. i hope everyone is doing okay. it was such a great group and i really enjoyed working with all of you and just always thought you'd all be there - this safe, tight knit group i could come back to when i felt lonely; and now you've all been disbanded, torn apart at the seams, it truly breaks my heart and again i am so sorry to hear about this. i hope we all manage to keep in touch. you and i should go for a dinner soon at least... let me know when u're free..
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