Thursday, November 29, 2007
rad: are those the ones that say "oh-my-god 3" on the top of the carton?
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007

i've been using the very sleek and mod krazr phone which i'm still very much in love with.
but here i am at the end of the year working more than ever and with no way of keeping track of the up from the down. i was up all night last night trying to make notes in the calendar app. on my phone but you can imagine how very not effective that was.
you know you need a new way of organizing your life when you're double booking your commitments constantly (sorry again to everyone i had to reschedule with and/or bail on) so tonight - i'm up all night again - and in the market but i'm torn. do i go back to the pda phone or go just plain old pda?
i have it narrowed it down to 2 products - both with raving reviews i might add!
the pda phone: HTC TyTN English - for $299.99 at Rogers on a 3 year contract. friggin adorable, no?
this would save me from having to carry around yet another device. like my face plate, ipod, camera and phone weren't enough - do i really want to throw a pda into the mix? truth be told - i've wanted something like this ever since i saw Veronica Mars use one. i thought it was genius! if this bad boy were available earlier when i was shopping to replace my blackberry i would have gone this route - no contest.
option b - also known as the Palm T/X ML Handheld - going for $399.99 at Future Shop sexy, yes?
why on earth would i add another device to that huge bundle i lug around (also known as my not quite as cute but way more practical purse). well - it does what most stand alone devices do; it does more and it does it better. this is designed with organization in mind and it isn't encumbered by having to be a phone and a camera to boot, although it is bluetooth AND wifi enabled and it does come with this darling wireless keyboard that brilliantly folds up for easy web surfing and emailing:
oh how far we've come in only a year?
so i don't really want to go back to always being so accessible by email and paying for a monthly email/data plan on top of my voice plan but do i really need to be lugging around a whole other device? do i even really need everything the Palm has to offer?
even if i didn't really need it tho, we all know how much i love new shiny pretty things. on the bright side the designer purses come in large too!
oy! the choices!
feel free to Libra-ian indecision is kicking in.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Friday, November 09, 2007
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Saying he could no longer stand idly by while a vital part of American culture is lost forever, activist and Broadway producer Mel Brooks has founded a private nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving the word "schmuck."
here are some of the cold hard facts Schmucks for Schmuck has compiled on "schmuck" usage in the last 80 years:
- Utterances of the word "schmuck" have declined every year since its peak in 1951
- in 2006, the word was spoken a mere 28 times—17 of these times by Brooks himself
- people are 50 times more likely to use the word "jerk" than "schmuck, 100 times more likely to use "dick," and 15,000 times more likely to use "fucking asshole."
So like the article says "Tonight, when you get home, please, call up your family, your friends, your loved ones, and tell them they're a bunch of schmucks."
i assure you that my lack of updates has absolutely nothing to do with Facebook. Facebook did not eat my blog as it has so many others.
there are 2 reasons for my absence. i do the majority of my blogging from work (this is where i procrastinate best) and:
1) work has been crazy busy - it's that time of year for us and i am quietly dying.
2) the powers that be sporadically blocks my blog - why? i dunno - something about sex and inappropriate content (neither of which actually ever make it onto my blog...i save that for my letters to Penthouse and Playboy)
so rest assured that tunabelly is alive and well but is temporarily preoccupied.