Tuesday, February 20, 2007


it's funny that everytime you tell someone you're sick you get a different remedy. so far i've gotten:

- a dozen hugs - not so smart people, no matter how miserable i look! i'm contagious!

- a mamoth jar of chewable vitamin C - i'm suppossed to overdose on these i think.

- a suggestion to suck lemons - apparently lemon juice clears mucas

- Wolfgang Puck soup - the soup of all soups when under the weather

- a bottle of whiskey and a pack of Marlboro - heat the former and smoke the latter with tons of bedrest

and what are your remedies?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i was trying to explain to kate that every time i get the flu, nothing quite hits the feel-better spot like whiskey! oh, and i wish i had a little cat to hug whenever i'm feeling blah.
