Pedophiles to launch political party in Amsterdam pushing for the legal age for sexual relations be dropped to 12 from 16 and the legalization of child pornography and bestiality.
full article c/o Rueters
i don't think i've ever read anything so depraved! by definition pedophilia involves an adult engaging in a sexual activity with a child - does it not? when the heck should that ever be OK? that comment about bans only making children curious is a huge load of shit! kids are going to be curious and no ban nor law is ever really going to stop them from having sex. who are they kidding? the drop in the legal age is only to serve adults who wish to take advantage of it.
it's outrageous! so much so that i can't even stop to consider the implications beyond sick adults taking advantage of children. the idea of allowing someone to appear in pornography or prostitute themselves is a debatable topic in mind but somehow not when the discussion involves children. but what is a child? if we allow prostitiution what should the legal age be? whatever constitutes an adult, i suppose but there's something hideous about thinking of a 16 year old prostitute.
excuse me while i go curl up in the corner and quiver.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
DC comic book character 'Batwoman' is poised to make a comeback as a "lipstick lesbian" who moonlights as a crime fighter, a DC Comics spokesman has confirmed.Batwoman, aka 'Kathy Kane', currently appears in the comic book series "52", a year-long DC Comics publication that began this month, as a rich socialite who has a romance with ex-police detective 'Renee Montoya'."52" will be published in the UK in 2007 as a graphic novel by Titan Books, set in a world where established superheroes like 'Batman', 'Superman' and 'Wonder Woman' no longer play a part in people's daily lives.
The new-look Batwoman is just one of a wave of ethnically/sexually diverse characters in the new DC Comics universe, that now includes Mexican teenager 'Blue Beetle', the 'Great Ten' team of Chinese superheroes, the new black 'Firestorm' and the Asian 'Atom'.Batwoman, first appeared July 1956 in Batman's "Detective Comics" .
DC comic book character 'Batwoman' is poised to make a comeback as a "lipstick lesbian" who moonlights as a crime fighter, a DC Comics spokesman has confirmed.Batwoman, aka 'Kathy Kane', currently appears in the comic book series "52", a year-long DC Comics publication that began this month, as a rich socialite who has a romance with ex-police detective 'Renee Montoya'."52" will be published in the UK in 2007 as a graphic novel by Titan Books, set in a world where established superheroes like 'Batman', 'Superman' and 'Wonder Woman' no longer play a part in people's daily lives.
The new-look Batwoman is just one of a wave of ethnically/sexually diverse characters in the new DC Comics universe, that now includes Mexican teenager 'Blue Beetle', the 'Great Ten' team of Chinese superheroes, the new black 'Firestorm' and the Asian 'Atom'.Batwoman, first appeared July 1956 in Batman's "Detective Comics" .
Monday, May 29, 2006
anyone going to see X3 should stay till the end of the credits. it's well worth your time.
Friday, May 26, 2006

i went to see it last weekend while fighting off of a nasty flu so i was just a wee bit distracted. i was sitting dead center and kept looking left and right considering which way was the shortest distance to the exit in case i had to hurl.
i wasn't crazy about the book to begin with. i thought the writing was mundane and the theories posited were built up to an anti-climatic resolution. perhaps i would have been more awed had i not read Holy Blood, Holy Grail first and delved a bit into the disproval of them. i didn't know alot - snippets here and there but enough to keep the oohing and ahing at bay. i was all in all disappointed with Dan Brown's version of the story. so much Grail romanticism wasted with mediocre writing. i love the lore and can suspend my disbelief for a good story with good writing.
the critics slammed the movie. the biggest complaints being that it was 1) slow and lecturey and 2) the characters were disconnected with each other. the movie was ok - much like the book. the movie kept the same pace as the book: something happens to shallow description to explaination and then something happens again. no big change. really how would can you unravel such a complex story with less explanation? the movie maker rightly assumes that the average viewer is neither a theological symbols of art expert or someone familiar with all of Da Vinci's work. as for the disconnect between the characters - they were written that way! there really wasn't all that much development in the book either.
so the movie was ok for me. Audrey Tautou and Ian McKellan were pretty brilliant i thought considering how little they had to work with. the cinematography was my biggest dissappointment. the trailers made the movie look textured and rich with creative imagery but even this was lacking. and the ridiculous hype the media has been charged with and the long 3hr wait didn't help matters.
*sigh* i give it a 2/5

first of all, is Ben Foster as Archangel not the most beautiful thing u've ever seen? humina-humina!
the highly anticipated X3 turned out to only be a surprising 1 hr 45 min. what gives? i went in assuming there must a good reason for this or the movie is gonna suck - but neither seemed to be true. the story was rushed - way too rushed. there could have been alot more. i know i say this alot - i get unusually depressed at the end of good books and good movies but this time it's actually true. the plot and the characters really should have been developed more. Cyclops was given a whole 3 lines maybe and 1 dramatic "nooooooo!" to grieve over the love of his life!? what was the big rush to cannon ball right into the next plot point?
Storm's role in this movie differs from the past 2 but where was the lead up? where was the adjustment? she was this and then she was that. it felt kinda 'in yer face, suck it up and deal!' yes, we were there for action, we wanted to see X-Men kickin ass but the characters do be beloved, we coulda stood to see them think/feel/do a bit more.
There was alot of concern over the change up in directors and understandably so. naming a move the Last anything is gonna stir up some 'going out with a bang' expectations. Brett Radner is no stranger to the action flick with projects like Prison Break under his belt but he lacked the artistic eye of Bryan Singer of "The Usual Suspects" and, soon to be, "Superman Returns" fame. it turned out to be a bit of a jarring change up and the cohesiveness was certainly disturbed. Radner seemed more concerned with the money shots rather than the over all look of the movie. it felt kinda like, 'look at this, and that, and that!' it lacked style.
my last complaint - i swear! the inclusion of Kitty Pryde, Archangel, and Callisto, as much as i love them, seemed to be included just for the sake of inclusion. there was talk before the release of how crowded the movie was and the need to leave characters like Nightcrawler out. eh? really? i'm not seeing it. i'll buy the need for Archangel - cuz humina-humina oh and the storyline with his father but reason for all else eludes me. come on! - was Arclight really necessary? Spike? and was that really Kid Omega?what was up with the quills? i'm so confused. i could barely figure out who's who. I assume the mutant power-sucking kid was Leech but isn't he supposed to be green? and i thought Juggernaught wasn't actully a mutant but that his power had magical origins - so he wouldn't actually have been effected by Leech's powers. am i just going totally crazy here? oh and speaking of Juggernaught - was it just me or did he look a heck of alot like Ram Man from He-Man? and don't even get me started on the Pheonix split personality thing.
it was a decent enough movie, some parts more abiguous than others but not completely up to par with the rest of the X-Men movieverse. i can forgive most of the problems i had with it - i kinda understand the direction they were taking. the Last Stand had to be seperate from the comic or cartoon plots. it was a dramatic ending to the movieverse/trilogy.
for all my bitching tho - i'm still gonna go see again. i give it 4/5.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
take a look at the garbage i'll be buying this year!
no joke! click to enter. click to be bewildered.
no joke! click to enter. click to be bewildered.
me: wanna go to the gym with me on tuesday?
dan: yes, tuesday is good. can i be your friend or do i have to pay?
me: you can be my friend
dan: how often can i be your friend?
me: once a week
dan: k - we'll be weekly friends on tuesdays.
dan: yes, tuesday is good. can i be your friend or do i have to pay?
me: you can be my friend
dan: how often can i be your friend?
me: once a week
dan: k - we'll be weekly friends on tuesdays.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Friday, May 19, 2006
1. Grab your phone when it isn’t ringing and scream, “Stop taunting me like this!”
2. Show up doused in White Out. Tell everyone you’re just trying to cover your past mistakes.
3. Announce that tomorrow you will bring fruit salad for the entire office. Use durian.
4. Add, “Please see attachments,” to every email you send. Include JPGs of Captain Crunch or He-Man.
5. Learn to whistle through your nose. Deny doing it.
6. Announce in a worried tone that your pet Hobo spider is missing.
7. Ask Human Resources what their policy is on chronic bedwetters.
8. When asked what you did on vacation, reply sincerely, “Worshipping our lord Satan. And some golf.”
9. Scream at the copy machine, “You call this a reproduction? This is shit! Get your act together or you’re out of a job, mister.”
10. At your performance review, state that your five-year goals include interpretive dance lessons for the upper management.
11. Practice polytonal throat singing like the Tibetan monks do. Chant all meeting notices this way.
12. Show up early to lunch and bend all the spoons in the cafeteria. When coworkers arrive, hold a spoon up to your forehead and concentrate.
13. Ask how the fax machine works. When informed, look stunned and well up with tears. Walk away silently, shaking your head.
14. Ride a Galapagos Tortoise through the office.
15. Wear a black suit and stick hundreds of white threads all over it. Pretend not to notice. When it’s pointed out, remove only one and thank the person profusely for saving you from embarrassment.
16. Do the Time Warp at your desk at 17 minute intervals.
17. Keep a bowl of dog biscuits at your desk. Offer one to anyone who comes to your desk.
18. Demand equal rights for all legless employees. When it’s pointed out that you have legs, call them lowlife bigots.
19. When a coworker uncaps a marker, act extremely high. Hallucinate and scratch your forearms.
20. Put up a flyer announcing gender change operations to be performed in your cubicle all week. Discount for employees with promotional codes.
c/o Davezilla
2. Show up doused in White Out. Tell everyone you’re just trying to cover your past mistakes.
3. Announce that tomorrow you will bring fruit salad for the entire office. Use durian.
4. Add, “Please see attachments,” to every email you send. Include JPGs of Captain Crunch or He-Man.
5. Learn to whistle through your nose. Deny doing it.
6. Announce in a worried tone that your pet Hobo spider is missing.
7. Ask Human Resources what their policy is on chronic bedwetters.
8. When asked what you did on vacation, reply sincerely, “Worshipping our lord Satan. And some golf.”
9. Scream at the copy machine, “You call this a reproduction? This is shit! Get your act together or you’re out of a job, mister.”
10. At your performance review, state that your five-year goals include interpretive dance lessons for the upper management.
11. Practice polytonal throat singing like the Tibetan monks do. Chant all meeting notices this way.
12. Show up early to lunch and bend all the spoons in the cafeteria. When coworkers arrive, hold a spoon up to your forehead and concentrate.
13. Ask how the fax machine works. When informed, look stunned and well up with tears. Walk away silently, shaking your head.
14. Ride a Galapagos Tortoise through the office.
15. Wear a black suit and stick hundreds of white threads all over it. Pretend not to notice. When it’s pointed out, remove only one and thank the person profusely for saving you from embarrassment.
16. Do the Time Warp at your desk at 17 minute intervals.
17. Keep a bowl of dog biscuits at your desk. Offer one to anyone who comes to your desk.
18. Demand equal rights for all legless employees. When it’s pointed out that you have legs, call them lowlife bigots.
19. When a coworker uncaps a marker, act extremely high. Hallucinate and scratch your forearms.
20. Put up a flyer announcing gender change operations to be performed in your cubicle all week. Discount for employees with promotional codes.
c/o Davezilla
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Monday, May 15, 2006
Saturday, May 13, 2006
7 long glorious minutes of X-Men: the last stand
pat: that was the most beautiful seven minutes of my life!
pat: that was the most beautiful seven minutes of my life!
mel: can i borrow ur umbrella?
adrian: *grumble grumble* i better get it back in the same condition
me: well, it'll be wet.
adrian: *grumble grumble* i better get it back in the same condition
me: well, it'll be wet.
Friday, May 12, 2006
gill: i love u
me: i love u too
adrian: i love u more
me: i love YOU more
adrian: i miss u till the morning
gill: i'll miss u before that
me: i love u too
adrian: i love u more
me: i love YOU more
adrian: i miss u till the morning
gill: i'll miss u before that
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Thursday, May 04, 2006
last weekend i saw Live and Become (Va, Vis et deviens) at the Fifth Avenue Theater .
this is a story about an Ethiopian boy from a Sudanese refugee camp that is sent away by his mother to "live and become" in the promised land. He is eventually adopted in Israel and grows up plagued by the desire to return to his mother and harboring the secret that he is neither Jewish or an orphan.
i went in expecting heartbreak and politics but was pleasantly surprised by humor and personality. the characters were lovable and believable. the actors, especially the boy that plays the young lead, had the ability to emote feelings with their eyes and body language. the movie speaks to all those who have ever felt racism, ostracized or far from home.
score: 5/5
this is a story about an Ethiopian boy from a Sudanese refugee camp that is sent away by his mother to "live and become" in the promised land. He is eventually adopted in Israel and grows up plagued by the desire to return to his mother and harboring the secret that he is neither Jewish or an orphan.
i went in expecting heartbreak and politics but was pleasantly surprised by humor and personality. the characters were lovable and believable. the actors, especially the boy that plays the young lead, had the ability to emote feelings with their eyes and body language. the movie speaks to all those who have ever felt racism, ostracized or far from home.
score: 5/5
c/o of Blue Lotus
There's a sign up in the Dance Centre dancers' lounge which reads:
This is a pubic area. Please clean up after yourself .
There's a sign up in the Dance Centre dancers' lounge which reads:
This is a pubic area. Please clean up after yourself .
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
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